Monday 18 April 2011


Collection finally FINITO!
Excuse the absence... there has been big things going on in my world.
My final student fashion show took place this passing Saturday in Florence, Italy.
                    Blink and you miss it, take one deep breath and hold on till the music changes.
I swear it was yesterday I was started this life in Florence, to see all I had worked for, my glamorous soldiers marching out on the catwalk was so intense. For those few minutes i dared not breath. 
I expressed and executed who I am. From where I come from, and how my adventures have influenced me.
This is what I do, my medium of expression is clothing. I can not sing you a song, I can not paint you a picture, but I have beauty to share with this world, this is how I communicate.
Soldiers of the Wonderland Disco F/W11/12 Backstage.

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